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Being a member of Tauwira not only provides you with year round access to some extraordinary facilities in this amazing part of New Zealand,  it also gives you sense of belonging to a great extended family, many of whom will have similar interests to you.  

Annual subscriptions are due on the 1st June each year and are presently: 


Senior - $240.00
Junior (17yrs - 20 yrs) - $120.00
Family (child under 17yrs) - $65.00
Veteran - $120.00

Non-active - $60.00

Work Party Levy

Each member (senior and junior) is asked to participate in an annual work party. These are usually held during the autumn months to assist with the preparation of the club's facilities for each ski season. If you are not able to attend a work party, a levy is payable which is currently $150.

Entrance Fees

An entrance fee is payable by senior and junior members at the time of joining the club. The fee is payable over the first three years of membership and is currently $450.00 (i.e. $150 for the first three years). However, the fee has been waived for 2024. 

Joining Tauwira Ski Club

We are always happy to hear from people who are interested in joining our club. The first step is to register your interest by downloading and completing the Application for Membership form, then come and experience the club, and then be nominated by a current member. If you don't know any current members,

please feel free to contact any of the committee for assistance. As is usual when joining clubs, there's a process to go through with a few boxes to

tick off along the way, but nothing too arduous and, most importantly,

it lets you experience club life before committing to join.

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